Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I'm trying to find some music with violins in it. The kind that is a mix between 'The Last of the Mohican's' sound track and the 'Soggy Bottom Boys'. I thought that this would be easy but all I can find is classical violin or violin music with tons of sappy singing going along with it. To me the violin is one of the best instruments out there and I love violin music. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE let me know!! :)


Doug said...

"Yellow Card" is an alternative rock band with a full time violin player. Also, "Flogging Molly" is Irish punk rock with a fiddle player. Don't know if those are the style you're looking for...?

PunkyPickett said...

The Devil Went Down to Georgia is always fun (but with a fiddle)... but then again that's just one song. If you're looking for something bluegrassy I'd suggest Yonder Mountain String Band... they're from Colorado and they're quite good although only have banjo, guitar, bass and mandolin no violin. I also like Nickel Creek. But again, no violin, but they play a fiddle mandolin and guitar.

This is probably not what you're thinking of, in which case I'd suggest searching for more soundtracks. Also Yo Yo Ma is primarily known for being a cellist, but I think he does some violin as well. And has the greatest name of all time :)

Doug said...

Also: You probably already thought of this obvious one, but just in case, "Dave Matthews Band" has a kick ass violin player.

TheGraveWolf said...

Downeaster Alexa by Billy Joel has some amazing string work in it. Also a pretty cool song.

KermyFrag said...

thanks for all the great suggestions guys! i will definitely be checking them out :)