Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm such a loser

It's official... I am going to get a failing grade in my LIT115 class! How could this have happened?? Good question. Basically, I looked at our online grade book for the class. Under the absences column, the teacher would record our absences as: 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, etc. Silly me, I just assumed that after 7 absences I would have to face some consequences. Turns out that I misinterpreted this whole system and was given a failing grade after my 7th absence.

I'm really not that upset about it. This class has absolutely nothing to do with PA school. I put about as much effort into getting out of bed in the morning as I put into this class, so it's not like I devoted hours and hours to something just to fail it in the end.

I made a choice earlier in the semester when I found out that I was accepted to PA school. I decided I would rather have fun than go to class! I guess this is what happens :) No big deal though, I am retaking it online this summer and everything will work out in the end.....I hope.

I'm actually a little relieved as well. The final assignment for the class was going to be some ridiculous project that involved me coloring posters to hang up in the halls at school to advertise for a make believe literary event that my group and I were to put on. Didn't I pass the first grade already??

1 comment:

81Trucolors said...

I actually don't think you are a loser.

Life is about creating options and choosing from among them. You made a decision to spend your time elsewhere. It cost you money and you'll have to retake the class but if you are happy with the decision then why feel badly about it?

Thanks for letting me in on the private blog.