Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two posts...crazy!

Here's the deal...Global warming is real and we will see it's effects in our lifetime. Our gov't will try many things to curb the exponential temp rise that is beginning to happen. It will not be enough. The facts are very clear. As a species we are intelligent. Obviously...we have dominated our environment so that it fits our needs. For most other life on this planet, the environment dominates.

We were doomed from the beginning. Our species is curious and only somewhat intelligent. This is a very dangerous combination. It means that we are really only smart enough to create an existence based on instant gratification. EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW that driving cars is changing the very ecosystem we need to survive...WE STILL DRIVE CARS! Our gov't knows that as well. I hate admitting the fact that maybe our forefathers were wrong. They put so much faith in the people. But I realize now, people are stupid!

We know what we want and we aren't afraid to voice that..but what we need is a very different thing. What if our President came on TV tomorrow and said...." The U.S. has 90 days to stop driving cars. If you are caught driving a car after that date you will be arrested".

That seems CRAZY! parents and children, like leaders and followers; what if he was, in fact, trying to save your life and the life of your children? It seems like an impossible request, to stop driving cars, but what if that was the only thing that would slow this inevitable warming we are facing. Maybe this is the only act that we could perform that would ensure a planet for our children? Would you stop driving?

And how do you feel about the evidence that the mere acts we perform on a daily basis are crippeling our planet? Would you be willing to change?


81Trucolors said...

Not to be that guy but you drive a big ass truck.

KermyFrag said...

I know, I know.... :) But it's just so cool!

Kwicky said...

I would be willing to stop driving and only run/bike/bus around town

Unknown said...

Not to be that girl... but how did you get to the airport? How do you get to the gym on beautiful sunny days?

KermyFrag said...

I'm not saying I am perfect. I am merely stating the faults we have has human beings. I have those faults as well because yes, I am human