Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Alright people.... I have 15min before I have to leave for class and I absolutly CANNOT study anymore. I feel like my brain is so full that if I tip my head to one side or the other all that fabulous knowledge will start pouring out my ears!! Maybe I should wear some earplugs....anyways. It feels like finals week this week and its not which sucks because finals week is coming up very quickly. So lucky me I get 2 finals weeks ;) Okay...I'll stop complaining.
Paul and I went to CO for my alledged "spring break"..(i had to study a lot...ooops, I'm complaining ;0...Long story short, it was oodles of fun and now I must run ;)

1 comment:

Kwicky said...

Good luck on your exam today! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it!