Monday, April 30, 2007

yoddeling is hard

It's monday afternoon and I have 3 huge tests this week. I didn't study nearly as much as I should have this weekend for some unknown reason. It's like I know I need to study but there's a little voice in my head that says "hey, no worries. You can study tomorrow". Aahh, where is that little voice coming from because I need to strangle it! The problem is I am already in summer mode. Remember in high school when the weather finally turned nice? The last thing in the world anyone was thinking about was school. Maybe it's some sort of brain chemical that senses a change in temp. and *poof* school what? I must rise above my chemical nemesis and march onward! Only 2 more weeks!

After school is out I'll be driving with my homies (zoe and kitty) back up to Boulder. I'm very excited about this. I think May will be a pretty cool month. Paul really wants to sell the house in Vegas and buy a condo instead (smaller, less upkeep) and buy a home in Colorado. I think this is a great idea. We both miss CO a lot and we both have friends we miss a lot. Paul was invited by one of the guys he often helps with poker to the Indy 500 race at the end of May, so we will be flying out there. So cool!!

I also just sold my motorcycle. I am happy to have sold it but also sad at the same time. Man that thing was fun!

Okay well, I'm off to study! Seriously!


Bag said...

ZOMG, lolz. You study more than anyone I have ever seen. BBQ.

TheGraveWolf said... saying you need to study more is like me saying Paul needs to get addicted to stuff more.

Anonymous said...

i think you are fantastic!!!