Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's Slacker Time!

Man, what is up with the end of the semester? It's like all of a sudden, one has a shift in all priorities. For three months straight it's nothing but school in the back of the brain, nagging at you, making you feel guilty that you aren't dedicated enough, hounding you in your sleep....Then, out of nowhere, you crest a mountain top that is the end of the semester!! It is elation by it's very definition. My brain is scattered b/c although I have two finals left, school is over. I have to convince my brain that it can't go on vacation just yet. This is very hard. The weather is beautiful, I already have final grades for two of my classes....can't it just be over??


Kwicky said...

Just two more days, hang in there! :)

PunkyPickett said...

Congrats on being done!!