Monday, June 9, 2008

I have had a goal for about the last 4 years. I think everyone should have a goal. For a long time I was worried about my goals and my passions or rather, lack there of. While living in Reno and dipping a toe or two in the on-line dating pond, I realized that I wasn't really "passionate" about anything and my "goals" were to pay my bills during any given month and remain in the black.

In the dating world people are always asking about future goals and current passions. "Who are you?" , "What do you stand for?", "What do you like to do?". I was never, ever good at answering those questions and I kind of beat myself up for it. I felt like I must be lacking in one of the areas that make a human a human or maybe I just kind of sucked.

Anywho, back to the point. The questions I had to ask myself in order fill out all those forms forced me to take stock of a few things. First of all, I needed to passionate about something and second of all, gosh darn it...I needed a goal! My goal back then was to become a Physicians Assistant. I saw them day in and day out. I saw the respect they got from the nurses in the ER and how well they fielded questions from my Paramedic partners.....also, they make pretty good money.

The crazy thing is, I am pretty close to my goal! I never in a million years thought I would get this close. What always happens to me when I set out to accomplish something is that I get sidetracked. I pick something new to pursue and eventually end up getting nowhere and accomplishing squat. So, anyways I'm pretty excited to see what the next year will bring and all that good stuff :)


TheGraveWolf said...

Nice use of "anywho"! You need to take charge of bringing that back to mainstream culture. Keep up with the goal - this group of friends needs a paramedic way more than most. ;)

Kwicky said...

You've worked really hard babe, and I'm proud of you :)