Sunday, June 15, 2008

I look at little children with their sticky hands and food encrusted faces, listening to them yell and scream at their mother (b/c usually there is no male figure that seems to own these children) and I see a mother all smiles as if she is actually living in a different realm than her children. Personally, if I was being screamed at by another person, despite their age, I would be a bit concerned. These mothers, however, appear to not even realize they are being screamed at. Nor do they realize that everyone is staring at them and sending them, via ESM (extra sensory mail), that their child is insanely annoying and loud and please shut them the H%#@ up! What is this?? How do perfectly sane, socially functioning women lose one of their five senses post childbirth??


TheGraveWolf said...

I would have to say.... I COMPLETELY AGREE. Kids = *shiver*

PunkyPickett said...

i like the picture :)

Kwicky said...

In some cultures it's common for strangers to discipline/lecture kids...I don't know how I feel about that, but I do know that many parents suck at parenting and need some sort of help