Thursday, June 26, 2008

I rushed up to my computer after hearing ColdPlay perform a song on The Daily Show because I was so inspired that I had to write something. But, once I got to my computer I had to restart it b/c the internet wasn't working then it popped up with some AOL site that I could not exit out of. I was forced to create a new site and let that site become a tab. This really sucks because I was so jazzed about this song I just heard and so wanting to blog about it's greatness and then was the subject of some crap that AOL is forcing upon me which changed my entire mood completely. WTF people??

Anyways, the song was amazing and I am hoping to recoup some of the magic it bestowed upon me despite the obsticles I have been confronted with. It has been a very long time since a song has had that great of an impact on me. Most of the time I need to hear a song AT LEAST twice before it digs it's way into my subconcsious.

I am so, and have always been, so envious of those people that put into words what I feel so much of the time. I have tried, as I'm sure many people have, to write my own poems. I learned to play the guitar but was never diligent enough to be any good. I wrote songs with no music. I tried desperately to put on paper what I felt in my soul for a very long time. I eventually gave up on it. I think my mom kept all of my journals of poems in some boxes. I am hoping to be able to go through some of that stuff when I go back in a few days. Anyways, I heard a song tonight that really moved me. That happens so rarely that I felt I should blog about it.


Bag said...

Which song was it?

TheGraveWolf said...

Seriously, what a teaser! All this hype and then no title. "WTF people!!"

KermyFrag said...

HA, sorry...the song was called "lost"

Kwicky said...

I wanna read your poems! ;p

Anonymous said...

Whose blog is drying up?
