Thursday, December 11, 2008

I really don't understand why people keep reptiles as pets. Isn't the purpose of a pet to keep you company, become a companion, offer affection or entertain you in some way? Reptiles don't do anything. They barely even move from one spot to another. Just from previous experience, if there is a reptile in a tank or cage of some sort, I am lucky if I can even see it! They're always blending in and hiding...I guess, doing what reptiles do. Anyways, I just don't really get it. Spending the money to feed and house them, cleaning their tank, buying a bigger tank when they out grow the one they are in; it all just seems like a lot of work for not a lot of reward.


TheGraveWolf said...

We had a couple of toads when I was in Elementary school. They weren't affectionate, but they did keep the kids busy most afternoons hunting for bugs to catch and dump into the tank.

Anonymous said...

Toads give warts.

TheGraveWolf said...

So do women on dating sites buddy...

Nappy said...
