Saturday, February 7, 2009

Even though I was invited to interview for the PA program I think it's still going to be an up hill battle. I was just informed that I am to show up to the interview with a resume. This totally sucks and here is why.

1.) Since the time I graduated from High school I have attended 6 different colleges and have no degree to show for it. I have been going to school on and off for 10 years. What does this say about me as a potential candidate for a very sought after program? I would almost bet money that I will be the one and only candidate there without an Undergrad degree and who has gone to 6 different colleges in 3 different states.

2.) My job history. I do have 3 yrs of EMT experience but what the heck was I doing for the rest of those 7 years since high school? Let's see... I've worked in a ski shop, a hardware store, a toy store, a coffee shop, a restaurant, a fitness club and a gas station. Not exactly jumping off the page with awesomeness!

3.) Resumes want you to list skills, interests and achievements that weren't mentioned elsewhere. The thing is...I don't have any skills other than what I learned as an EMT. I'm not proficient with anything computer related, I'm not an accountant or coach or artist in my spare time. I have never won an award or been "honored" for anything. My interests are cooking, volleyball, softball, hiking and prairie dogs. All of which have nothing to do with being a successful candidate for the PA program.

This just totally sucks. Before I wrote my resume I had an idea that it wouldn't be that great. But now that I've written it, I am truly disheartened.


81Trucolors said...

They see potential in you.

Your job isn't to assess your odds and act accordingly. You should know your strengths and weaknesses but let them worry about your chances.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but ever since you knew that you wanted to attend PA school you have gone after your goal and received a 4.0. You have had several jobs=life experience, and you now know that that being a PA is where your heart lies, not in the Toy Store. Although you are now an expert gift wrapper. Your interests all involve health aspects, cooking healthy and exercising. Praire dogs show that you are concerened about the health of the world and balanced ecosystems. Not everyone knows what they want to do right out of high school (like me!) but science is your forte, Miss. 100% on the bones and muscles quiz! You are lucky because you have personality on your side, use your smile and charm along with your smarts and I have no doubt that you will get in. :) I hope my note isn't belated...

KermyFrag said...

Thanks for the pep talk guys :)

I am going to kick some interview ass!!

Kwicky said...

Be prepared for the hard questions, so everything will flow naturally - envision what will be asked and know how you will respond. You might want to read/watch The Secret again. I'm certain you will get in, but only if you are as well.