Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How many times has the average person stumbled upon an abandoned (or so we think) baby animal? I'm sure it happens slightly less on the strip of las vegas than in the mountains of CO but still.... My curse is that I always find baby birds. either in the middle of a busy street or in my own back yard and each and every time I say to myself "oh f*#%, now what am I suppose to do".
We all want to do the right thing but what is the right thing? Do we leave it there on the off chance that it's mom is mearly out picking up the dry cleaning or did mom say "screw this" and fly away to greener pastures? Who knows.

I have an idea though for those of us who can't just leave the little thing there all alone. I think you should be able to buy a kit at the store that comes with everything you need to give that little guy a fighting chance. You know like the eye dropper thingy and maybe some pre-mixed little birdie food and a guide that tells you what to do. That's all. Then it won't be so freakin stressful when you happen upon a baby squirrel, bird, duck, raccoon...whatever. I know some places have shelters where you can bring animals like that but some places don't and that kit would be a life saver for bleeding hearts like myself.


Bag said...

1. Remove bird from street.
2. Bring to Pickett.
3. ...
4. Profit.

TheGraveWolf said...

Keep fighting the good fight Kermy! Seriously! We all need to protect animals - especially those who live where we humans have intruded. Michal used to work at a rehab place for birds...I know that people would take baby birds there...however not everyone knew the place existed. Have you checked to see if there's a similar place in Nevada where you could take your "friends" that you find? Come visit!