Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have had a total of 8 speeding tickets in my life, three of which occured when I 16 years old. My parents.....not happy. I don't know why, maybe a lot of people are like this, but I feel that if I'm not going at least 5 over the limit I'm going way too slow. It is nearly impossible for me to stay at or below the speed limit. It's actually kind of annoying. Even when I know I'm going to get to school too early and have to wait around for class to start, I still can't stay in the slow lane. Every time a see highway patrol I get butterflies and quickly let off the gas b/c I just assume that I am most likely's bit exhausting actually. It would be nice to see a cop once in a while and not feel that immediate sense of panic. O-well, maybe I can blame on my shoes, they're just really heavy officer.


TheGraveWolf said...

Did you just get pulled over?

Anonymous said...

Just show them a little cleavage and maybe a tear or two and you'll be fine :)


PunkyPickett said...

I used to be a lot worse too. In NC I'd go 10 over constantly. Here the cops are a lot worse so I only go 4-5 over. I've slowly taught myself that 5 over is now "living on the edge"

Anonymous said...

They didn't vote you craziest driver in high school for nothin!